The development of an effective plan is achieved through more detailed understanding of its execution, seeking more exact distinctions of each outcome sought

Designed to achieve short-term outcome objectives, Tac-DX is an executive level management application that provides situational awareness to facilitate effective decision making. Tac-DX supports operational integration to include data management and analysis, collaboration, communication, process evaluation and a myriad of other diverse management functions.  

Tac-DX supports parallel, synchronous and cross functional operations, the tactical execution of strategy.  This is achieved by defining outcome objectives, individual responsibilities, timelines and the actions necessary to achieve short-term goals. Tac-DX is a process of dissecting and re-organizing the strategic plan into specific, short term actions and strategies.

Tac-DX starts with well defined operational capabilities possessing comparative / associative measurement values.  Classification of the operational environment allows an ability to cross-reference with different functions / lines of business using standardized performance measures. This is achieved by providing standardized descriptions of common tactical operations:

  • Primary & supporting goals & objectives
  • Performance indicators related to objectively defined outcomes
  • Classification of common operational characteristics
  • Classification of dominate customer groups
  • Classification of dominant resource characteristics
  • Classification of state / federal regulatory requirements

Effective use of data/trend analysis will provide insight to many root causes of poor performance

Alignment is then made to operational objectives through clearly defined outcomes also possessing a quantified values. Outcomes are characterized as how success is recognized and evaluated. These outcomes must take into consideration the interaction between staff personnel as well as between personnel and their work environment. Strategies can be comprised of a myriad of tactics involving numerous staff / department participants, all working toward a common goal.

The relationship of Stragtegic  Planning vs. Tactical Execution is most evident in Emergency Response operations where instability, caused by operational noise and contrary purposes are considered major reasons for unfulfilled strategic objectives. Operational instability is caused by changes in demand forecasts, subjective outcome measures, an inadequate network structure, etc.  Through situational awareness, operational control is realized by ensuring data integrity, accountability and efficient tactical execution processes.  Situational Awareness is achieved through real-time data capture, analysis and effective management / oversight of tactical efforts. Tactical management is defined as the command and control of each objective to completion. 

Tac-DX identifies critical projects and activities in support of a well defined strategic plan.  The execution of the Strategic Plan is achieved through a myriad of tactical outcomes, analyzed as aggregate to show progress overtime.